Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Are you an addict?  


Yuuki is! But not a drug addict LOL. She is addicted toAsian dramas / novelas or soup operas. It may be Japanese or Korean or even Taiwanese Novela, whatever it is you can find it at Drama Queen, addicted to Asian Dramas. Once or twice in my life, I was addicted to Korean Drama. The last novela I followed was Boys over flowers and it's nice to know that Yuuki have articles about it on her site. She even has a Music Monday entry on BOF's official sound track.

The black and red colors of this site make me love it more. Though it really depicts sadness because of the dark color, the color red made the site look better. She uses different colors on her fonts too, though; in one article about boys over flower she used a yellow font that gave me a hard time reading it. I hope she won't use it again. haha.

If you are a Asian Novela Addict too, better visit Drama Queen, and be updated.

This is a review as an entry to Yuuki's Twin Blogversary Contest.

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